
Holdingford's new maintenance shed built this spring. A big improvement from the old one.


What used to be Mary's Restaurant on Main St.is now T.K.'s Restaurant & Lounge. The new owner is converting the back room into a Lounge while the front will be a no smoking family restaurant.


The lake Wobegon Trail section from Holdingford to Albany is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful sections of the trail system. It follows a path of canopied trees and open farm land. The Lake Wobegon Trail was extended 3 miles to the Morrison County line this fall. As I understand it it's name changes to the 'Soo Trail' there and next year will be extended to the east side of the Misissippi River. A beautiful rest area is almost complete on the trail in Holdingford. I will post pictures soon.
Note the links articles about 'Lake Wobegon' one is from the New York Times and the other article by the national Geographic.


A fact not even many people in Holdingford are aware of is that 'The soldiers memorial' across the street from St. Hedwig's Church. Was the first world War II memorial created in the United States, build in 1943. Under the direction of the village priest at the time, Father Kromolicki, it was designed by Rev. Gilbert Winkelman dean of architecture at St. John's University.


The shelter and bathroom at the American Legion Memorial Park recieved a upgrade and new faces this fall. Thanks to the efforts of the the Holdingford Lions Club who provided the labor. The project was funded by the Am. Legion and the City.
The legion also created a memorial to veterans of all the services.


This is the playground at the Elementary School. It's got to be the neatest playground i've ever seen ! This photo is a rare moment when a bunch of kids aren't using it


After many years of different people trying to get high speed internet into Holdingford. Folks will very soon have two choices. A startup co. called Surfsota.com is in the testing stage of providing wireless internet to Holdingford and the surrounding area. They contracted with the City to put a reciever on top of the water tower. I have been told by Jeff Krych they will be up and running in November '05. Starting bandwidth 64kbps for $19.95 with the top end of 1.5mbps $169.95 these rates on a sliding scale depending on bandwidth usage. The other connection will be with U.S.Cable our video provider. They are bringing in fiber lines and use the existing wiring be able to provide a hard line service within the City. Talking to the manager Steve Johnson the lowest speed 128kbps (may be higher) $23.99 a month fastest listed now at 3 mbps for $39.99 he said when they start service the end of January '06 it will probably be 5 or 6mbs for the same price. Contact these companies for more details informatiion. Although my present dialup provider Cloudnetnet.com has been a very friendly & stable Co. to work with over the years I'm going to have to switch.


Local School district residents supported their schools by passing a referendem 589 yes to 442 no's, a good turn out.
The levey will raise $525,000 per year for five years. The cost in tax increase on $100,000 home an additional $37.69 per year. The levy was advertised as to be used for sustaining programs and services. and to stabize finances.
With 5 people running for 3 spots on the board. Two of the incombents were reelected. The top vote getter is a new member on the board.
Matt Skwira 598
Rick Calgaro 571
Ron Schmidt 462
Patrick Meier 420
Chuck Weimen 317


In a win win situation a local resident has been clearing out the over crowded trees in the north end of the park. He gets the wood we have a cleaner area. All the junk tires have been replaced by a grass covered berm wall, preventing cars from driving through a neighboring property.


Larry & Karen Schwalbe donated $300 to help the cost of cleaning up their property and the north end of ball park.
Exit 153
City cleanup went very well. We filled two dumpsters full of stuff and one large trailer full of appliances, tv's etc.
Butch (from Tom's Refuse) Herman, Vicki and I were there all morning from 8 to 12. lloyd did his shift from 8 to 10 as did Ernie, 10 to 12. Dick didn't show up as he said he would, Kim was plucking chickens that day.
Holdingford, Minnesotawhat is this


ordinance book mess seems to be cleanedup.
need to reflex in minutes permission for setting up web stuff.
more people interested in high speed internet access- make it happen.
boy scouts cleaning up at park.
long phone talk with k.s. about property I am about ready to call that project done.


relating to memorial control opf space county ? city ?
Naming rights city park+Am Legion Park+???? Ball Field who owns what ? who is responsible for what.......
we need listing of building permits on wall or something so council knows what is going on
original petitioners for incorporation Joseph Winkler, Stephen Diederchs, J. B. Pallansch
TAKE ME TO COURT citizen was always notified by note on water bill of when dog license due doesn't want to pay late fee $25 plus $5 new clerk info not passed on
selective tree cutting happening at park


geting caught up

Buecker $50 every two weeks for cleaning screenings
4th street , slow, children playing,old #17 dead end one is there
July 9th city festival
mattresses on edge of street for over a week called manager, removed that day by someone
long grass notification
wood cuter has staarted felling and thining trees
Donation of park bench

sunnyend of may

Swift Current =Tompkins, Sk.+++++++who is in charge of snow fliers ?
Margaret huls old school recreation talk ?
block 250 5% tax reduction for houses because of trailer court (absentee landloard blighted conditions !!!!!!!!)
charge trailer ct owner( absentee landlord) for lost taxes
John Tracy Enviernmental services
Buy dog trap
have Veteriarn come to inject shots buy license at same time
forgot memorial dedication >darn it
all things must have dates on them
jaycee $1,000 metals $157.75= $1157.75
candle lady given permit to restore old paper office IF SHE FOLLOWS STATE BUILDING CODE 2000 ?
5/12/05 wateershed
maintance requested to take depth readings of two river ditch
Mrs. Heitzman request clean up of ditch by her house
trail bathroom
old mower 22 hours big green new mower 6 hours
$400-$450 school surcharge excess use of treatment plant-Bieckers must remove every two weeks
Bob Pederson "the wood cutter" a very good thing for city -libality though ?



What else does one do. If you are at-in 3;15 toward 153.