
Holdingford's new maintenance shed built this spring. A big improvement from the old one.


What used to be Mary's Restaurant on Main St.is now T.K.'s Restaurant & Lounge. The new owner is converting the back room into a Lounge while the front will be a no smoking family restaurant.


The lake Wobegon Trail section from Holdingford to Albany is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful sections of the trail system. It follows a path of canopied trees and open farm land. The Lake Wobegon Trail was extended 3 miles to the Morrison County line this fall. As I understand it it's name changes to the 'Soo Trail' there and next year will be extended to the east side of the Misissippi River. A beautiful rest area is almost complete on the trail in Holdingford. I will post pictures soon.
Note the links articles about 'Lake Wobegon' one is from the New York Times and the other article by the national Geographic.


A fact not even many people in Holdingford are aware of is that 'The soldiers memorial' across the street from St. Hedwig's Church. Was the first world War II memorial created in the United States, build in 1943. Under the direction of the village priest at the time, Father Kromolicki, it was designed by Rev. Gilbert Winkelman dean of architecture at St. John's University.